Friday, October 31, 2008

Great Park Fan Club Election Endorsements

Irvine voters -

Please vote for Larry Agran, Beth Krom, and Todd Gallinger for city council, and Sukhee Kang for mayor.
Without The Great Park Team we would have NEVER defeated the airport. They are now on track to bring us a world class park. Putting the other side in charge would only disrupt the momentum of the Great Park and seriously sidetrack progress.

Please vote yes on Measure R. This will ratify the previous Great Park agreement, and keeps the Great Park on the right track.

California Voters -

Yes on proposition 10.
This will help fund alternative energy sources. Included in the bond is $25 million in funding for The City of Irvine which would help the Great Park.

Yes on proposition 1A.
It will bring high speed rail to Irvine. We don't need no stinking airport!

Vote no on proposition 8.
Do not let evil airport extremists punish anti-airport hero Libby Cowan!
Without her we would now have LAX South!

If there are any candidates out there that are running for office who are Great Park friendly, please email
and we will endorse you!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Anti-Airport hero under attack by vicious pro airport extremists

About the only thing that is as bad an airport itself is the nastiness and vindictiveness of the sore losers from the pro-airport camp. On a pro airport blog, they are drumming up support for proposition 8 as a way to punish former Costa Mesa city councilwoman Libby Cowan, who happens to be a lesbian.

Former Costa Mesa Councilwoman Libby Cowan was the critical 3rd vote for Costa Mesa NOT to join Newport Beach in funding El Toro propaganda and lies during the 2002 election. Because Cowan prevented Costa Mesa from using tax dollars in partnership with Newport Beach's airport assault against our community, we do not have LAX South in our community!

The evil airport extremists advocate passing proposition 8 as a way to punish Libby Cowan who is openly gay. They are so hateful and mean spirited that they would vote to take her civil rights! We need to stand up to the vicious hateful pro-airport thugs once again and vote NO on proposition 8. We cannot allow them to punish someone who helped our side so immensely. Libby Cowan is a profile in courage. Please help her and vote NO on 8 and show the world that jets and hate have no place in our community.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Welcome to the Orange County Great Park Fan Club!

We must NEVER forget everything that Larry Agran, Beth Krom, Sukhee Kang, and Todd Gallinger have done to defeat the airport! If you are registered to vote in Irvine, please give them your support and vote for them.

They are under constant siege from mean spirited partisans, slanderous websites, airport backers, and the Orange County Register. Don't forget to vote on November 4th!
Even if you don't live in Irvine you can help by donating money or walking some precincts for the Keep Irvine Great team! Please show them your support! Without them we would now be suffering from LAX South!

Defeating an airport at El Toro was only the beginning. We are not finished with our work until we have a world class metropolitan park that is the Crown Jewel of Orange County.
If you have not done so already, please make a donation to The Great Park Foundation. Donate again if you already done so. Thousands of you donated million of dollars to defeat the airport. But the real icing on the cake will be when we have a Great Park that is the envy of the world. Please show the same passion for creating the park as you did for defeating the airport. Please give any amount you can afford!

To make a donation, please go to: