Monday, November 10, 2008

Keep Irvine Great Team Victorious!

I would like to thank the airport fighters and Irvine residents who made this victory possible.
You were not fooled by the non stop partisan attacks, The Register, and The Irvine Tattler. You saw through their smokescreen of smears and slanderous allegations against our great leaders.

Thanks to your votes and your efforts, Sukhee Kang has been elected for Mayor. Beth Krom and Larry Agran have been re-elected to city council. Todd Gallinger narrowly missed being elected to the city council. However, he built up some name recognition which will help him in his next city council run.

In 2010, it gets even better. Christina Shea will be termed out and Steven Choi will run for assembly. With these developments the Great Park Team will be able to continue progress on the Great Park and create the Crown Jewel for Orange County.

Be sure to donate to the Great Park:

Monday, November 3, 2008

Frivolous lawsuit against Irvine dismissed!

Planning commissioners Pat Rodgers and Greg Smith forced Irvine taxpayers to defend a frivolous lawsuit.
Fortunately, a judge dismissed it.

While our opposition is filing groundless lawsuits that tie up city resources, The Great Park Team
is working hard to build a world class Great Park.

The verdict speaks for itself about WHO really has Irvine's best interests in mind.

Let's see the Irvine Tattler and the Register try to spin that one!
The voters of Irvine recognize partisan attacks a mile away and will continue to support The Great Park Team!