Thursday, October 30, 2008

Anti-Airport hero under attack by vicious pro airport extremists

About the only thing that is as bad an airport itself is the nastiness and vindictiveness of the sore losers from the pro-airport camp. On a pro airport blog, they are drumming up support for proposition 8 as a way to punish former Costa Mesa city councilwoman Libby Cowan, who happens to be a lesbian.

Former Costa Mesa Councilwoman Libby Cowan was the critical 3rd vote for Costa Mesa NOT to join Newport Beach in funding El Toro propaganda and lies during the 2002 election. Because Cowan prevented Costa Mesa from using tax dollars in partnership with Newport Beach's airport assault against our community, we do not have LAX South in our community!

The evil airport extremists advocate passing proposition 8 as a way to punish Libby Cowan who is openly gay. They are so hateful and mean spirited that they would vote to take her civil rights! We need to stand up to the vicious hateful pro-airport thugs once again and vote NO on proposition 8. We cannot allow them to punish someone who helped our side so immensely. Libby Cowan is a profile in courage. Please help her and vote NO on 8 and show the world that jets and hate have no place in our community.


Vernon Delights said...


Libby screwed up. She voted the wrong way on El Toro. Revenge is a dish best served cold. Yes on 8!

Vernon the vicious pro-airport extremist.

Frank said...

You are a mean mean man. However, airport opponents far outnumber airport zealots. You will lose AGAIN at the ballot box. It must hurt to have your ass constantly handed to you!

Frank said...

Proposition 8 will be overturned in court. The Constitution does not allow people to vote away other people's rights.