Monday, October 27, 2008

Welcome to the Orange County Great Park Fan Club!

We must NEVER forget everything that Larry Agran, Beth Krom, Sukhee Kang, and Todd Gallinger have done to defeat the airport! If you are registered to vote in Irvine, please give them your support and vote for them.

They are under constant siege from mean spirited partisans, slanderous websites, airport backers, and the Orange County Register. Don't forget to vote on November 4th!
Even if you don't live in Irvine you can help by donating money or walking some precincts for the Keep Irvine Great team! Please show them your support! Without them we would now be suffering from LAX South!

Defeating an airport at El Toro was only the beginning. We are not finished with our work until we have a world class metropolitan park that is the Crown Jewel of Orange County.
If you have not done so already, please make a donation to The Great Park Foundation. Donate again if you already done so. Thousands of you donated million of dollars to defeat the airport. But the real icing on the cake will be when we have a Great Park that is the envy of the world. Please show the same passion for creating the park as you did for defeating the airport. Please give any amount you can afford!

To make a donation, please go to:


Anonymous said...


Vernon Delights said...

I don't see a Great Pork, but I do see lots of runway and tarmac at El Toro. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck......

Frank said...

It does not matter what you see. The will of the people said NO to an airport TWICE!

Besides the artificial caps expire at John Wayne in 2015. Why build a new facility in the meantime?